LL 214: Cyber Bullying

My guest today was co-host of the nation’s most popular night program “The Hot 30 Countdown” both on radio and television. It was on this program she became involved with the “Royal Hoax’’ phone call that resulted in her being on the receiving end of cyberbullying for 2 years. With comments such as, “I’ve made a noose Mel and it belongs around your neck, I can’t wait to watch you take your last breath”, Mel Grieg is an expert at understanding cyber bullying, trolls and keyboard warriors. Mel is now the host of Troll Free Day on March 17 and the ambassador for Bully Zero Australia Foundation. With many Love-Life listeners stepping out in cyber space with their healing messages, teachings and services, this is a show to help you to navigate healthily on-line life.
Show links:
Bully Zero Australia Foundation: www.bzaf.org.au