LL 220: Talking To Your Subsconscious Mind with Katrina Heuskes

Would you choose negative emotion? The answer is no. In today’s episode, my special guest Katrina Heuskes helps us explore the sub-conscious mind and how to flick the switch on negative emotions fast! We discuss muscle reflex testing, when to use it and when not to, setting of intent, going from head to heart and finally we learn how to muscle reflex text on our-self with easy step by step instructions.

Katrina Heuskes contact details:

The Lifeline Center http://www.thelifelinecenter.com/the-lifeline-center-team/

Facebook https://web.facebook.com/katrina.heuskes

Love-Life episode with Dr Darren Weissman https://lovelifeshow.com/ll-114-grab-a-life-line-with-special-guest-dr-darren-weissman/

Jane Donovan www.janedonovan.com.au



Are you constantly apologising to everyone and everything? From the person who bumped into ‘you’ or the computer you typed on too hard? Do you use sorry to keep the peace, to interrupt someone, or for being you? Perhaps you say sorry for things you don’t need to be sorry for. This is called the ‘Sorry Syndrome’.  Today’s show explores when to use the two powerful words of ‘I’m Sorry’ and what we can learn about our-self from feeling the emotions of sorry. This episode includes a powerful conversation with Love-Life Tribe member Catherine and her desire to say ‘I’m Sorry’.




You tube clip from Buzz Feed Yellow Video’s


LL 218: The Intuitive Changing Body

Jane has a new theory to share for those who are intuitive, highly sensitive, empaths or expanding their gifts of universal connection and has certified holistic and functional health practitioner and Love-Life Tribe member Jason Marinovich join in the discussion.  Filled with easy to implement tips to connect to better physical health, understanding gut health and how to get  a natural high in just 60 seconds.




LL 217: The Five Agreements and the Love-Life Tribe Favourite Books

Do you have trouble speaking your truth? Are you feelings hurt easily? Would you rather guess than know and does this work for you? Are you hard on yourself with negative self-talk and abuse? Then today’s show is for you where I talk about the book I have recommended to more people than any other that changes lives fast. Plus the Love-Life Tribe join in with their favourite books and how to implement the fifth agreement into your life.
The Power of Now: https://www.amazon.com.au/Power-Now-Guide-Spiritual-Enlightenment-ebook/dp/B002361MLA
You Can Heal Your Life: https://www.amazon.com.au/d/ebook/You-Can-Heal-Your-Life-Louise-Hay/B0079M8RN4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1489470993&sr=1-1&keywords=you+can+heal+your+life
No More Mister Nice Guy: https://www.amazon.com.au/d/ebook/More-Mr-Nice-Guy-Robert-Glover/B004C438CW/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1489471030&sr=1-1&keywords=no+more+mr+nice+guy
A Thousand Splendid Suns: https://www.amazon.com.au/d/ebook/Thousand-Splendid-Suns-Khaled-Hosseini/B002R88G5E/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1489471062&sr=1-1&keywords=1000+splendid+suns
The Four Agreements: https://www.amazon.com.au/d/Four-Agreements-Practical-Personal-Freedom-ebook/B005BRS8Z6/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1489471111&sr=1-1&keywords=the+four+agreements
The Fifth Agreement: https://www.amazon.com.au/d/ebook/Fifth-Agreement-Practical-Guide-Mastery-Toltec-Wisdom/B005BRSFCC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1489471134&sr=1-1&keywords=the+fifth+agreement

LL 216: Triggers and Fears Be Gone

What are triggers and can fear really be our friend? Why did Jane give the bird to someone in another car today and do you have socially acceptable levels of insanity? This week’s episode explores the fear vibration, recognising it, identifying it and getting to the real origins of it.

LL 215: Masculinity and Mens Mental Health

Boys and men are at huge risk with 400 Australian men thinking about taking their own life every day. These men are stuck in the patriarchal masculine and need acceptance and non judgement to help them move towards the divine masculine. Joining in on the great work of Gus Worland and Manup, my guest today is a bloke’s bloke Adam who in my opinion is a great role model of what the divine masculine looks like. He works in the mines, an area in our community that has one of the highest rates of suicide. Adam is not afraid to show emotion and takes actions that are not typical of the Aussie bloke. He shares his personal story of helping co-workers in their moment of need, going through rehab, how to get honest with yourself and what we can do to support the emotional growth of boys and men. Adam demonstrates real life examples of how the divine masculine in action shows up in every-day life

LL 214: Cyber Bullying

My guest today was co-host of the nation’s most popular night program “The Hot 30 Countdown” both on radio and television. It was on this program she became involved with the “Royal Hoax’’ phone call that resulted in her being on the receiving end of cyberbullying for 2 years. With comments such as, “I’ve made a noose Mel and it belongs around your neck, I can’t wait to watch you take your last breath”, Mel Grieg is an expert at understanding cyber bullying, trolls and keyboard warriors. Mel is now the host of Troll Free Day on March 17 and the ambassador for Bully Zero Australia Foundation. With many Love-Life listeners stepping out in cyber space with their healing messages, teachings and services, this is a show to help you to navigate healthily on-line life.
Show links:
Bully Zero Australia Foundation: www.bzaf.org.au

LL 213: Changing Beauty and the Body Positive Movement

Can you see the divinity within everyone? In today’s episode I discuss the changing face of beauty, what beauty is to different people and how the body positive movement is changing our views and helping create greater self-love. I am joined by Rebecca Brown from Soul to Soul healing and teaching and also share with you some of the Love-Life tribes views on what beauty is.
Show links:
Rebecca Brown https://www.soultosoul.com.au/
Doreen Virtue’s book Constant Cravings http://www.hayhouse.com/constant-craving-1
Vivienne McMaster Photographer http://www.viviennemcmasterphotography.com/

LL 212: Changing Moments In Life

You are much more powerful than likely you realise. In this week’s episode, Jane asks some of the Love-Life Tribe the question, ‘who would you like to thank, and why’? These stories share life changing conversations, moments or events that changed the person in a positive way forever, with many of the beneficiary of the ‘thank you’ likely to have no idea of the life changing moment they initiated. These every-day stories remind us of the power of influence we have within us at any given moment. Help us to find these hero’s so they can have a special moment hearing how they have changed someone’s life.
Help us find:
Michelle who worked at Sportsgirl in Little Collins Street, Melbourne in 1987
Steve Barbudo, football coach at De La Salle, Caringbah NSW
Gary work worked at Minolta in Sydney in the late 90’s
Phyllis Southgate, Southgate Event Management

LL 211: Your Questions Answered

This week Jane hits her overflowing in-box and answers four emails from listeners, coaching clients and members of her club Social 8. She delves into the battle of the sexes that’s resulted in relationship resentment; looks at superstitions, intent and communicating with the universe; helping the highly sensitive children when overwhelmed and experiencing a meltdown; advising a newly single man wanting to date and shares how to supporting recently separated people.
Show Links:
Social club for single people www.social8adelaide.com
Coaching www.janedonovan.com.au
The invitation: http://www.oriahmountaindreamer.com/
Love-Life episode on The Invitation: https://lovelifeshow.com/ll-83-what-really-matters-in-life/